Effluent Storage Solutions
Effluent Storage Solutions
The storage of dairy effluent is key to the successful management of a system. Storage provides flexibility and gives you the opportunity to utilise the nutrients when it matters most. Storage creates efficiency, as you can dedicate set periods of high volume irrigation rather than a mundane daily task. Fully understanding every particular farm environment and needs is key to ensure the adequate size pond is achieved. Consider constructing storage that provides the flexibility you need to effectively utilise it.
Value propositions
- Help you accurately understand the storage volume that will best suit your farming business.
- Ensure the construction method is the most suitable for your site and constructed to the highest standard.
- Ensure you understand all your options and required considerations.
- Minimise risk and maximise gain.
Do not work for your pond, make it work for you
There are a range of storage solutions on the market. They all have their benefits however make sure you consider your options. The variation in capital cost and performance vary significantly.
High water table, little to no material on farm to construct a pond above ground, good fall or no fall at all, construction on sloping contour? There are a huge range of variations and good design can save significant costs and increase the life of the storage facility.